A Winter Reflection

On cold winter mornings I find myself drawing my reliable sweater closer around my neck, lingering longer over my coffee, and spending a little more time staring out the window.  Every time I reach for a favorite scarf to ward off the touch of winter I am reminded to take care, slow down, and look within. As the light comes slowly during these months, we are invited to open the day softly before turning to the press of a busy life.    

Two weeks into the new year my intentions are standing strong.  I have a clear desk and organized files, and a self-care routine, so far, unbroken.  Yet, on cold winter mornings a single question imposes itself on my thoughts – What can I learn from the stillness of winter?  How does the filtered light of this season touch my life purpose? 

The poem, Winter Morning, by James Crews, offers us a clue of where to look.  The poet draws us into his cold winter morning allowing us to almost smell the coffee brewing. No sooner have we gotten comfortable, but we are faced with the pronouncement, “I’ve been fooled again by the selfish, unruly man who lives in me and believes he deserves only safety and comfort.”  Faced with watching his neighbors going out into the frozen day he is struck by empathy.  Standing at the window looking outward and reflecting inward he can access gratitude, “then I can remember that this life is a gift each of us was handed and told to open:  Untie the bow and tear off the paper, look inside and be grateful for whatever you find.”  Gratitude lights the way to understanding the moment and perhaps, the underlying purpose. 

So, I offer you James Crews poem on this cold winter day along with the question, what can I learn from the stillness of winter?

two little kids staring out the window looking at a snowy wooded area

Winter Morning

BY James Crews

When I can no longer say thank you

for this new day and the waking into it,

for the cold scrape of the kitchen chair

and the ticking of the space heater glowing

orange as it warms the floor near my feet,

I know it’s because I’ve been fooled again

by the selfish, unruly man who lives in me

and believes he deserves only safety

and comfort.  But if I pause as I do now,

and watch the streetlights outside flashing

off one by one like old men blinking their

cloudy eyes, if I listen to my tired neighbors

slamming car doors hard against the morning

and see the steaming coffee in their mugs

kissing chapped lips as they sip and

exhale each of their worries white into

the icy air around their faces – then I can

remember this one life is a gift each of us

was handed and told to open: Untie the bow

and tear off the paper, look inside

and be grateful for whatever you find

even if it is only the scent of a tangerine

that lingers on the fingers long after

you’ve finished peeling it.

connect with anna

Coaching is a transformative experience, and Anna works to help any leader, at any stage, uncover their innate wisdom. Through your own reflection and intentions for this year, are you ready to reconnect with your purpose and power? Book a time for a free discovery call with Anna to learn more.

about anna & executive horizons

Anna Alvarez Boyd, is the founder of Executive Horizons LLC, a consulting and leadership coaching business. Anna brings over 30 years of experience as a trusted senior leader to her clients. Her coaching starts with the belief that every individual is talented, creative and whole. She supports clients to deeper self-discovery, through a unique, tailored approach for each person that includes skill building, reflective practices and leadership development.  


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